Our dolls prams come in two separate colour ranges, so if you’re after a blue dolls pram or blue dolls pushchair, you’re in the right place. You’ll find our full collection of dolls pushchairs, prams and accessories available in a variety of colours including pink dolls prams.
Explore our full range of dolls prams, dolls pushchairs and dolls pram accessories on our shop all page.
Our blue check design is available across the entire range of Daisy Chain prams, pushchairs and accessories. This means you can get a simple blue doll pram or something more advanced like a blue double doll pram or blue 3-in-1 doll travel system. All of which are ideal prams for your baby Annabell dolls or Susie interactive doll and will match our blue dolls changing bags perfectly.
All of our Daisy Chain prams are suitable for any child to play with, although each model may have a better age range it’s suited for. Our blue dolls prams come in a smart blue check design that’s perfect boys and girls alike.
We have a number of different blue dolls prams suitable for all age groups of children. These blue dolls prams and pushchairs come in a mixture of different sizes, from the Little Zipp collection for 18 months – 3 years all the way up to the Pinnacle collection which is ideal for 9-13 year olds.
For more information on which blue dolls pram or twin dolls stroller to get for the right age group, check out our dolls pram buying guides or consider a dolls pram set. We also have other colours available, including pink dolls prams, purple dolls prams, red dolls prams and yellow dolls prams.